Healing Your Body's Energy: Medical Intuitive Insights on Adrenal Fatigue

Many of my clients speak of having fatigue, sleeping problems, weight gain, and depression. They say that their mind feels 100 years ahead of their body. Sound familiar?

Many of these clients have what is known as Adrenal Fatigue or in extreme cases, Adrenal Exhaustion.

Your adrenals are small Brazil nut size glands which are on top of your kidneys. They are, in reality, two very different glands packed into one. The center of the adrenal gland makes adrenaline (epinephrine) and it is governed by the autonomic nervous system.

The outer part of your adrenal gland, which is called the cortex, makes many additional important hormones for your body.

Some of the most important are:

Cortisol: When you are under stress your adrenal glands will increase the making of cortisol to help your body respond to stress. Cortisol does raise your blood sugar, and blood pressure, as well as reducing your immune response. When your cortisol becomes low; you may have low blood pressure, fatigue, immune deficiency, and a high degree of allergies and sensitivities.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S): DHEA is the most plentiful hormone produced by the brain. How DHEA works in our body is not understood fully. When your DHEA levels are low, you will feel dragged out, and feel you have very low energy. DHEA-S does decline with age, and does drop more rapidly with chronic fatigue patients. Often bringing your DHEA level to a middle range for a 29 year old will help considerably.

Aldosterone: This is the hormone that governs the balance of salt and water in your body.

Estrogen and testosterone: These two hormones are manufactured in significant amounts by your adrenals. About half the testosterone in a woman