What if Wealth Building Were Easy?

What if wealth building were easy? What if all stocks that were invested in went up? What if the markets intrinsic characteristics were not to screw over the most people? What if stockbrokers were not considered like car salesmen?

What if everyone saved? What if no one paid the interest the wrong way in 18% credit card debt but rather made money over time and at a rate of 7.7% per year? What if the average working family could live within their means?

What if saving for college was easier? What if the cost of living was less? What if Americans could have a slight pay raise? What if health care costs were not out of control? What if families did not have an increase in their monthly fuel bills of $200-500?

What if the American Dream was just a little less elusive? What if many peoples plan for retirement did not include winning the lottery? What if more Americans stayed at their jobs more than the 3.2 year average?

What if you really could count on Social Security? What if your pension really was a guarantee? What if there was less stress, traffic, payments and emergencies, which took its toll on our families in America? What if, ah yes, well what if. . .What if Wealth Building Were Easy?

Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author

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