Enjoy Stress Relief Instead Of Making Stressful Excuses

Are you one of those individuals that work better under the pressure of stress?

Let's examine your thoughts. You probably believe that you can put things off for as long as possible and then at the last minute get a rush of stressful excitement from getting it done at the last minute.

Now you have finished by pulling an 'all mightier' but what has stress done to your body?

Does it not throw you off your sleeping schedule? Does it not cause you stress, drain you mentally and physically? Does it not throw you off you normal relax way of living?

What happens to your blood pressure?

It puts your body in a stressful - 911 response state.

Now your body feels tired and you have to compensate by resting which puts you behind the '8 ball'. The vicious cycle continues.

Now how do you solve this stressful problem?

This problem was created by your belief that you can leave things to the last minute.

Secondly you may enjoy the thrill of excitement by always scraping in under the wire?

There is an old saying that "if you continue to behave the way you have always behaved, you will get the same results."

If you continue to enjoy the stressful thrill of doing things at the last moment then you will suffer the consequences and never discover the naked truth or see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Here is the burning question: what would happen if you were to consider the benefits of pacing you activities so that you have less stress, more time to relax? If you consistently do a little bit at a time, you will have more time and energy for yourself as a result?

Then you may discover a whole new 'ball' game that is stress free and where you can flip your lid and Relax! Enjoy stress relief instead of making stressful excuses.

So what is the moral of the story?

As a Hypnotherapist, NlP trainer and an Energy worker, my client are usually unaware of their choices, and do realize the consequences of their stressful decisions. When my clients discover how easy it is too relax and have a different perspective; they are usually amazed at the health benefits of having a choice to live with less stressful challenges.

Cecil McIntosh provides Relaxation Resources, that will turbo charge your health, business and wealth. To receive your free 7 day Relaxation course. visit this site now:http://www.emptyyourcup.com