Image and Branding Advertising-Get over it or Go Broke!

Out of 100 products, 90 never get past the initial development and testing stages, of the 10 that do 7 will fail in the market within 3 years.

To make matters worse 80% of new businesses are gone within 3-5 years!


Because a higher number of the Business Owners have no idea how to sell, promote, advertising or market their products. Most Business Owners are brilliant in their fields of expertise or they have a great product, but they couldn't market or advertising their way out of a wet paper bag!

If you are serious about YOUR business then read every single word on this page. You see today I'm covering a subject that sent a lot of those 80% of businesses to an early grave!

"Image and Brand Advertising"

Sometimes when people go into business, they feel they have to throw heaps of money at advertising because that