Crunk Music

Crunk music is a specific type of hip hop music, based out of the southern states. Crunk (sometimes spelled Krunk) is high-energy, club-oriented hip-hop.

In the hip hop society, crunk rappers have been criticized for having no lyrical content and all southern rappers uses the same beats and styles in there music. While other hip-hop styles contain a more conversational vocal approach. Dirty South is notably different from its northern and western counterparts.

Southern rappers can adapt towards either a soul-based or a more "street" sound. This done sometimes by sampling, while still being creative. Crunk usually involves hoarse chants and repetitive, simple refrains. Lyrics are based on a rhythmic bounce which is very effective in clubs.

Several crunk songs have been banned in venues due to wild crowds. Crunk has established itself as a major sub-division of hip-hop and will likely enjoy greater success due to the increased number of crunk albums being released.

Crunk is to music what Shakesphere is to literature. I mean you can't get enough of this music. Instead of going to a club and standing on wall and looking pretty you act a fool to crunk music. Crunk music can help with releasing tension and its a good way to get a work out!

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