There is No Free Speech in America

It seems Americans have allowed their right to free speech to be over shadowed with political correctness. There is no free speech allowed anymore in America. Only politically correct rules of conduct which borderline on complete censorship of thought, speech and writing.

Everyone is afraid to offend and you are not allowed to say the truth otherwise someone might be offended. Editors, journalists, radio professionals and columnists must tread lightly because humans are so weak that they cannot handle the truth. If a person starts to speak the obvious or explain the real issues he or she maybe fired, censored or lose their career.

Who is perpetrating this new way of American Life? Well, it is those who constantly complain, but you cannot call them into check or they threaten to sue, attack your personal character or cause you financial ruin, confinement, fines or physical harm. Why have we allowed America the greatest country in the world to be so drown in Political Correctness? Why is everyone so blind?

Why have Americans given their minds to the Television and stopped thinking? What happened to everyone? Why did everyone turn off their minds and accept the shear and utter hokum purported and the party line; since when is it against the law to say the truth? If a group of Americans acts out and screams foul first, we take their word for it rather than falling back to real observation and realistic issues causing a conflict.

What are we going to do with all the politically correct humans in America? They can