You Might Ask the Question - Why Coaching?

Why Coaching? It's a good question, and the answer is found in the heart of human nature. We have heard it many times from couples to world councils - communication is the key. Noted author and lecturer Leo Buscaglia declared, "Communication, the art of talking to each other, saying what we mean, saying it clearly, listening to what the other says and making sure that we're hearing accurately, is by all indication the skill most essential for creating and maintaining (key) relationships." Famed psychologist Carl Rogers added that "the basic and most desperate need of our time (is) for more basic knowledge and more competent skills in dealing with the tensions of human relationships."

We all know by instinct and experience that communication is crucial in key relationships. No relationship, business or otherwise, will long survive bad communication for long. We cannot ignore the need for good coaching and communication if we are going to compete in today