Special Tips On Saving Gas

These are unusual times and we need everyone. Our great nation is coming together. I'm finding so many ways to help; money, food, clothes. It's going to affect all of us. So I want to share some great tips on saving gas.

1. Car pool, take the bus, bike, walk. Car pools reduce travel monotony and gas expense - all riders chip in to help you buy. Conversation helps to keep the driver alert. Pooling also reduces traffic congestion, gives the driver easier maneuverability and greater "steady speed" economy. For best results, distribute passenger weight evenly throughout car.

2. Avoid filling gas tank to top. Overfilling results in sloshing over and out of tank. Never fill gas tank past the first "click" of fuel nozzle, if nozzle is automatic.

3. Slow down and drive steady. Speeding up wastes fuel. Also avoid tailgating - the driver in front of you is unpredictable. Not only is it unsafe, but if affects your economy, if he slows down unexpectedly.

4. Inflate all tires to maximum limit. Each tire should be periodically spun, balanced and checked for out-of-round. When shopping for new tires, get large diameter tires for rear wheels. Radial designs are the recognized fuel-savers;check manufacturer's specifications for maximum tire pressures.

5. Avoid rough roads when possible. Because dirt or gravel rob you of up to 30% of your gas mileage.

6. Buy gasoline at the coolest time of day. Early morning or late evening is best. During these times gasoline is densest. Keep in mind - gas pumps measure volumes of gasoline, not densities of fuel concentration. You are charged according to "volume of measurement".

7. Don't use your air conditioning. Auto air conditioners can reduce fuel economy by 10% to 20%. Heater fan, power windows and seats increase engine load; the more load on your engine, the less miles per gallon.

8. Plan ahead. Combine your errands in the same area.

9. Keep your car tuned. Regular tune-ups ensure best economy; check owner's manual for recommended maintenance intervals. Special attention should be given to maintaining clean air filters... diminished air flow increases gas waste.

Please Pray & Help Our Fellow Americans Who Are Victims of Katrina.

More tips are available for FREE that you can download in a report "30 Gas Savings Tips." Get your copy here; http://www.faceuptoit-youcan.com/ssale.html

About the Author

With a B. S. in Business Communications Kathy Thompsonnd has taught her programs around the country.

She writes and speaks about Health, Personal Communications.

Kathy's goal is to help you be all you can be and reach your potential.