Wedding Invitation Wording

Getting your Wedding Invitation Wording correct is important. After all the wedding invitation wording is what relays to the guests the time and place they are to join you.

Wedding invitation wording needs to be clear. Wedding guests need to know exactly what portion of your wedding day they are being invited to. Some wedding invitation wording will state that a guest is invited to the whole day, ceremony and reception. Some wedding invitation wording will only state the time of the reception.

There is a certain etiquette that goes along with clear wedding invitation wording with a church wedding have the more formal wedding invitation wording. Something along the lines of

Mr & Mrs The Brides Parents

request the honor of

(handwritten name of guest)

at the marriage of their daughter

Brides name


Grooms name

taking place on

date and time clearly stated


wedding venue clearly stated

thereafter at

wedding reception venue clearly stated.

Please reply

If you do not want to hand write all your wedding guests names into your wedding invitations replacing the handwritten part with the wedding invitation wording of "request the honor of your presence" is totally fine.

If your wedding is to be at home then your wedding invitation wording can be slightly less formal with "request the honor of your presence" replaced with "request the pleasure of your company".

As with the church wedding invitation wording an area can be left for you to hand write your guests names if you so choose.

If your wedding is to be held at a friend or relations home for whatever reason then the wedding invitation wording is less formal still. A simple

The pleasure of your company is requested

at the marriage of

Brides name


Grooms name

date and time

at the residence of

friends name

and address is all that is required.

For obvious reasons weddings held in either your own home or that of a friend should be acknowledged as soon as possible. That is something you may want to work into either your wedding invitation wording or place an additional card in the envelope.

As long as you stick certain points of etiquette for your wedding invitation wording and you make sure that all relevant infomation is included then you can quite happily customize your own wedding invitations.

Enjoy your day.

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