Fading Relationships, Spark Loss, and New Loves

Now and forever, a concept now lost when even the seven year itch has become the two year itch. What happens is that people fall into ruts, become adjusted in a relationship, and the mundane routines of couple-hood becomes tiresome. Though it is comfortable to be with someone close, it becomes more of something one is used to, and excitement is lost. Relationships break apart and hearts wander.

The biggest no-no in a relationship is a lack of communication and understanding. Females tend to think everyone knows what they are feeling and what they are thinking, and when seemingly no one understands-- because people aren't born to read minds, literally-- females become depressed. Males tend to be insensitive, this is true, but that is again because they can not read minds. In a relationship, do not keep feelings to oneself. If one is unhappy with something, state it, keep it out in the open. This way, a relationship can grow instead of falling apart.

The need for someone new, for freshness... This usually happens if one is in close contact with someone else other than his/her significant other.

Finally, understand this. It really is good enough that he or she loves you. Being an animal, people tend to be fickle. A guy will look at other pretty girls, who in turn can easily turn them on. A guy will fantasize about someone else, will develop crushes on celebrities or someone unobtainable, brilliant, and intelligent. Women will do the very same. We are beings who are born to strive, born to conquer, born to try new things... It is sad, but if one is satisfied to know one is loved, that should be enough. Otherwise, heartbreak and jealousy would ensue.

Downfalls of Long Distance Relationships: There is physical yearning. For teenagers, long distance relationships tend to shatter quicker and easier. For older couples, the success rates of LDRs are higher. Why is that? Temptation and feelings. Are teenage romances really strong and etched with true feelings? Being a teenager in school, chances are, one is easier to find someone else in an environment one is stuck in nearly everyday of the week. As for older couples, pitfalls lay in one's work environment.

Downfalls of Marriages Temptations and when a couple cease to become a couple but just the mother and the father, well, good luck. Plan dates, have fun, relive romances. Don't forget, though you are in longer in love with each other, you love each other.

Why Females Begin to Hate their Significant Others Continual disappointments will lead to this. Comparisons with other men as well. A female is a character of romance. She will always want to be swept away. If another man pays more attention to her, remembers what she likes, pursues her interests, and steals her heart with little romantic deeds/encounters, she will start to wonder about her significant other, and what could have been if she were with the other person. Her heart will slowly stop beating for her significant other for another...

Chances are, many things happened for a relationship to occur. Six billion people in the world and you end up with him or her. Is it fate? Is it destiny? In this fast moving world, so many others out there can be your fate, your destiny.

Of course, there are success stories out there. Love rests on the person. Will love be abused or treasured? Why do people cheat and hurt people they once loved?

People are very selfish beings, that is why. In the end, for a female, she will choose who she thinks will love her the most. Or maybe not. But anyway, love is fire-- it burns.

Relationship Advice

Don't be a cheater!

Communicate! No one can read minds!

Avoid prolonging hopeless relationships.

Move on when necessary.

Don't expect forever.

Remain strong. With love, chances are, one can fail... Just understand, people are selfish. We will hurt others to avoid hurting ourselves and to fulfill our wants. There are six billion people out there. Sometimes, he or she may really not be the One...

Please visit Nummyz.com for more information on the author and articles by Kathleen Lieu.