Motivation: 6 Tips You Gotta Have

Belief. Is it important to believe in yourself and your own God-given talents and abilities? As a wise friend used to say, "you betcha!" Success comes in CANS, not in CAN'TS. If we argue for our limitations, we get to keep them and fulfill them.

Life tip: Don't ask "can I do this?" Ask "in how many ways can I do this?"

Responsibility. We live in a culture that teaches us to place the responsibility on every one and every thing but ourselves. If something good happens, it's luck. If something bad happens, it's someone else's fault. A significant part of responsibility is being able to think for our selves. If you don't learn to think for yourself, don't worry, there are endless numbers of people who will think for you.

Life tip: Take charge of your life. Think for yourself. Responsibility means being "able to respond."

Asking. Most of us ask really lousy questions. We start our day as we awaken with really good questions such as "Is it a work day or the weekend?" It's downhill from there. We don't ask for what we want, and then wonder why we don't have it. Practice asking. Pick up and read "The Aladdin Factor" by Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield, authors of the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series.

Life tip: Practice asking, because you have to A-S-K to G-E-T.

Action. You can have belief, responsibility, asking, and lots of other good stuff, but if you don't have action, it's not worth much at all. Success comes to those who take action.

Life tip: The actions you take need to be consistent, massive, intelligent and creative.

Vision. There is a proverb that says "without a vision, the people perish." This also is true for relationships, companies and anything else worthwhile.

Life tip: Create a vision for what you want to accomplish. Make sure it is very clear. Keep it in front of you every day.

Opportunity. Louis Pasteur said "Chance favors the prepared mind." Building belief, responsibility, asking, action and vision into your mind set and heart set prepares you to take advantage of the opportunities that will come your way.

Life tip: The saying "opportunity knocks but once" is a lie. Opportunities occur each and every day. Pay attention. Jeff Herring, a licensed marriage and family therapist and clinical hypnotherapist, writes for the Tallahassee Democrat. You may send e-mail to: mrjeffies@compuserve

Jeff Herring - EzineArticles Expert Author

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