When your Dog is an Escape Artist

Many people would say that if you get a dog they should be part of the family and live inside. I wholeheartedly agree. But sometimes that is just not possible. If you find yourself in this predicament what can you do?

A good resource for finding pet friendly rental properties can be found through the U.S.Humane Society.

Buying an enclosure is one option

Now days they come in all sizes. You could also build one using cyclone fence. If you choose this option I would recommend putting it on a slab of cement. Not only does this keep the enclosure floor dry it also prevents them from digging underneath. I also recommend a roof. This protects your dog from the elements and also keeps them from jumping over. If you have bought an enclosure they usually come with a top. You can create a cover with wood, plastic or whatever works for you. This will also help protect them from the sun. I recommend using wood because they can not pull this through the fence and chew it up. Having a lock on the enclosure is a must because most dogs will learn how to open the latch by watching you.