Organizing Secrets: Eliminating Clutter and Disorganization

More space - More energy - More time
 Less stress - Less expense - Less work

There have been times in my life when I felt out of control. No matter what decisions I made, nothing seemed right. Daily activities overwhelmed me. I had difficulty focusing on projects and I knew deep down in my heart I was not in the right place. When these moments creep into my daily activities, I stop and look around. More often than not, clutter has taken control.

When your home is cluttered and disorganized, other areas of life are muddled as well. Experts tell us that there is a direct correlation between inner-self and personal environment. Clutter can zap energy and produce sluggishness. Piles of accumulated stuff make it difficult to concentrate and complete simple tasks. Peace and contentment erode as clutter builds.

No matter what forces are dragging you down, you can dramatically improve your life, both personally and professionally, by tackling the accumulated excess