Crossing the Pacific in a Row Boat

Can you imagine crossing the Pacific Ocean in a rowboat? How would you do it? Where would you start, where would you try to finish? How long do you think it would take? What kind of boat would you use, what type of oars? Can you just imagine yourself trying something that daring? Well one man not only imagined it, he did it.

He was a Frenchman named Coindre, is very much an adventuring soul indeed. Not only has he crossed the Pacific Ocean by rowboat, but he crossed the Atlantic Ocean four times. And he set the World Record of 129 days, which is impressive, but since no one has ever done it in modern history he holds the record? Can you imagine rowing for that many hours a day; he must be in Olympic Athletic Shape?

Do you think you could do it? I was considering this and I think I could do it and I would just to prove I could not for notoriety or to attempt to beat his record but rather to prove it to myself? Would you do it if you had the time? Talk about a great weight loss program and just think of the six pack in your stomach when you were done? Wow, you would be totally ripped, besides what a great work out?

One person I talked to said for them;