I Went to School with God

What a Shame.

When everybody is entitled to his or her opinion; this is not an opinion but a fact.

The whole universe is scientific in nature; all biological systems are scientific in nature. That is, the human immune system as well as viruses and bacteria; every breath we take is scientific in nature. Have you ever asked yourself when a human being is a human being? At one second, the moment the spermatozoon fuses with the ovum of the mother, there is a huge flash of light in the astral world, (I am not referring to astrology here.) and the soul goes into that vehicle of light and enters at the base of the spine into the body of the mother. And it is only because the soul is there that the body can develop.

It is the intelligence of the SOUL that develops the body. This intelligence template of creation (the soul) was created by a highly intelligent being or power called God; therefore, God is the ultimate source of everything that is scientific in nature. Denying the existence of God is denying the existence of your own soul. And you are only alive because you have a soul to sustain you. Without your soul your body will be just an empty, lifeless shell. And without the spontaneous communion or contact of our human intelligence with this higher intelligence, we become egocentric; energy and insight flows as if disjointed from within.

At this point, it is so critical to understand and to realize that God and Science are not separate entities. Science is an intrinsic element of a higher intelligence (like a denominator is an intrinsic element in mathematics), which came into existence as a common feature for deliberate calculations through tests, trials, opinions and points of view. Science does not accept anything, they say, without proof. Science could never find proof for the existence of God through human intelligence, it is impossible. Proof of the existence of God can only be found through direct contact with this higher intelligence