Strap Into Fun and Free Falling While Skydiving Tandem in New Jersey

Tandem skydiving in New Jersey is a very popular sport. Since tandem parachuting is one of the easiest, and perhaps the best for a novice, ways to experience the extreme sport of skydiving. There are several benefits to tandem skydiving. One benefit is that there is not very much training involved. Another benefit is that is that you can take comfort in the experience of the jump instructor you'll be working with. One final benefit is that there is an automatic activation device on the parachute, so your chute will be sure to deploy at the appropriate time during a jump.

Skydiving in New Jersey begins with a training session. The session will teach you the basics of skydiving, the equipment necessary, and what to do in the air. After your training session, you will go through a regulatory equipment check procedure. The safety harness you are wearing will be checked by your instructor for proper fit, and then you will be headed to the plane for take off. The flight itself takes about twenty-five to thirty-five minutes. During the final minutes of your flight to your dive destination, the instructor will review the basics of the dive with you to ensure you are properly prepared to make your jump.

A few minutes before the exit from the aircraft, the instructor will lean out the door to guide the pilot in terms of final jump preparations as wind conditions can vary from day to day. A few minutes later, you and your instructor will walk to the door and begin your jump. You will free fall for approximately five seconds before your first chute, your drogue chute, will be deployed.

Eventually, your instructor will let you know that he's about to deploy the main chute. Once the chute is deployed, you will begin a gentle descent to the ground. The instructor may even allow you to steer the chute on the way down. Landing is the final step to skydiving tandem in NJ. The instructor will do most of the hard work during this portion of the jump. Skydiving is a popular sport throughout the world. Skydiving Tandem in New Jersey is an excellent way to experience the sport.

John Ewing is the webmaster and successful author of many articles published at skydiving and parachuting guide. A free online magazine that features articles on skydiving equipment, and a guide on the best drop zones, including New York, Las Vegas, and New Jersey.