How to Get The Best Hotel Deal

Should I book through an agent to get a hotel deal? This really depends on where on the world you want to travel, what time of year you want to travel, and how far in advance you can book your hotel reservations. You already checked the popular travel web sites. Try checking the hotels' web sites directly. Sometimes, you can get a better deal by booking directly with a hotel than through a booking agent.

Which website to use finding hotel deals? No one site will always have the best hotel deals. You have to check around to find the web site for the hotels you're interested in, call the 800 number and the hotel itself. A lot of deals are unique to one venue or another. Also, ask about AAA, AARP rates etc. And then check a week or two beforehand to see if anything new has popped up.

Most people do not know about hotel deals. Everyone seems paranoid about getting the best airfares when in fact we find that the lodging costs are usually the biggest expense when we go on vacation. Maybe it