Core Training Basics - Secrets to Strength and Stability

Core training is the latest rage in the fitness industry, but not many people really understand what it is. There are many misconceptions about what it is and how it works. People know that core training is smarter training, but they may not realize why that is. Core training represents a more balanced and realistic approach to health. For a very long time, the fitness industry was completely focused on working muscles in isolation. More recently, there has been a realization that we were not born to isolate. Our bodies do not work with one isolated muscle doing all the work. Everything in the body is beautifully orchestrated to work together. People have evolved into wanting their body to function better in their sport activities and in everyday life.

Core training makes you look better as well as function more efficiently. The structural center of movement is called the "pillar", and by training the core or pillar you change posturally for the better. You will walk taller in your newly integrated body and have a leaner more athletic look. A completely new sculpting of the body occurs which is impossible when the muscles are trained in isolation. Despite the notion that core training is just about the lower back and the abdominals, it really incorporates your entire torso and the muscles that attach to your pelvis. The "pillar" includes hip, shoulder and trunk stability offering the ability to build power in your movements.

In core training you focus on multi-dimensional