The Co-Worker from Hell

Every office has one - the co-worker from hell. There is no magic spell to turn them into Prince/Princess Charming, but there are some strategies you can use that will make working with them a little easier.
Every office has one... the co-worker from hell. That one person who rubs everyone up the wrong way, is uncooperative, unpleasant, disagreeable... well, you get the picture. There is no magic spell that can turn them into Prince and Princess Charmings, but there are some strategies you can try that might help to make working with them less stressful.

You are all on the same team. Despite your differences, you do rely on each other and are thrown together on a daily basis to achieve joint goals. So, if you first try to think of your work unit as a "team", and the unpleasant person as part of that team for better or for worse, then you are one step towards finding harmony.

Do you know their 'story'? You don't know the real story behind your co-worker's unpleasantness. We are not all on the same level of evolution and it could be he/she does not have your skills or ability to cope with stresses and problems in their life, problems that you may know nothing about. There may be a very good explanation for the chip being carried on their shoulders. This does not excuse their behavior, but may explain it or make it easier to live with.
