The New Face of the American Dream

The first time you meet Julie, she seems like the typical thirty-something young woman from a third-world country. Nothing strange, since she was born and raised in the Rep. of Panama and now lives in Belize. Nevertheless, as you look a bit closer, you realize that you're dealing with a matter-of-fact woman who thinks and reasons a lot like a born-American-Citizen. That could be explained because of the fact that she was born on the Panama Canal Zone and has been "indoctrinated" in the American Culture.

What is not so easy to explain, however, is how dozens not to say hundreds of well-known products and services today, were first outlined in one of Julie's several notepads she's kept for almost 16 years. Some of these ideas have been outlined in every detail. For instance, there is an idea for a software that she entitled "Strategy" which she designed to search for the right way of solving basically any problem or situation. From the cure to a deadly disease, to playing like Michael Jordan. This idea has been made into a spiral booklet.

Julie says when she first heard about Google, it sounded like it had a lot in common with her "Strategy". Honestly I have seen the document and I believe, the benefits go way beyond Google. The way she expains it in the booklet it can be sophisticated enough to be part of every company's must-have software. But it can be domestic enough to be part of everyone's PC. And the premise of such work is based on a simple algorithm principle.

Another product similar to one of hers is the Movie "The Manchurian Candidate". She had wrote a story called