Why Should You Have a Business Vision?

Remember when you first started your new business? You were excited and raring to go! You printed business cards, you created a business name and decided how much money you wanted to make. Then there was the honeymoon period. You were excited to get out of bed in the morning, get to your computer, make those appointments and follow up with new clients.

Then you found yourself tired, cranky and discouraged with the way things were going:fewer and fewer appointments, less energy and even less enjoyment with what your business is.

What happened?

What happened is that you did not have a vision for your business. What is a business vision and why do you need one, you ask? A business vision is how your business not only impacts you, but also the world. With a business vision everything you do each and every day supports you to go forward, achieve what you want, yet still benefit others.

Simple visions are the best. The easier they are to communicate to someone, the more essential they become to you and your business. You need a vision

to be more effective, more desirable and more attractive

to your clients or customers. Clarity is the key in a simple vision. Yet, a simple vision can be very profound.

Remember Mother Teresa? She just wanted to help the poor, and she ultimately became a saint in the Roman Catholic Church. It all started with a simple vision: easy to communicate to others and her willingness to do whatever it took to get her vision seen and heard by others.

So will you. You too will get your vision heard and seen by others.
