An Interview With The Top Dog

An Interview With God

INTERVIEWER: Welcome, I have a lot of great questions for God, so let's get begin! Hey, God! Thanks for being here today. Are you ready to take some questions?

GOD: Yes, fire away.

INTERVIEWER: So God, what do you think of the invasion and occupation of Iraq?

GOD: "Rolls eyes" What an absolute mess over there. It makes me sick. Those greedy Republicans make me sick. I don't like that Hussein fellow but the lies that came out of those Bushies mouths made me want to hurl.

INTERVIEWER: So you don't like George W. Bush?

GOD: Are you kidding? That whacky born again Christian. There is nothing I can't stand more than some human who thinks he knows me. Christian zealouts have been a thorn in my side for thousands of years. "laughs" I think I will give that George W. a cold sore.

INTERVIEWER: What do you think of the extremists opposition to gay marriage?

GOD: Those Bible Thumpers really get on my nerves. I wish they would stay out of it. I don't care if gay people get married. As long as a person is happy and no one is getting hurt, I say live your life how you want. When are those nuts ever going to learn that they don't know what is best for society. I wish the world would tell them to go to hell. "smiles" I know I have.

INTERVIEWER: What do you think of the state of the planet?

GOD: What is happening to the planet and species is an atrocity. Human greed and selfishness is a crime. It is horrible what humans are doing to their home. Don't they realize that when it is gone, they will be too.

INTERVIEWER: So I guess you are not a big fan of the human race?

GOD: There are over 6 billion humans. Only a small percent are in control. They are the ones I dislike. Their power and selfishness have corrupted them making them a serious threat to humanity's future and the future of the planet and its species.

INTERVIEWER: So they are the only problem?

GOD: No, people have gotten really lazy. They no longer question main stream media. They believe everything they see on the news is the truth. It is like people have stopped caring.

INTERVIEWER: I have one final question. If you are so unhappy with the world, why don't you do something about it?

GOD: "laughs"
WHY DON'T YOU !!!!!!!!

Copyright 2002,2003