Journey into the Self - Part Three - Five Elements

A look at how the Five Elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Life Force or Space operate in our lives. It show how important it is to keep these in balance to have a happy, healthy life.

As you are sitting here reading this allow your awareness to turn inwards into yourself. We are going to discuss the five elements and see how they interact in our lives.

A good place to start is with a simple example. Just imagine that you are going to do a little gardening. The first thing one does is loosen the soil. By digging the soil what we are doing is breaking the soil up or should I say mixing the Air Element with the Earth Element.

The next thing a good gardener will do is plant the seed or introduce the Life Force Element. He will then water the seed or introduce the Water Element.

The gardener has learned that the spring is the best time to plant seeds as the Sun is getting stronger or the Fire Element is being introduced to complete the balance of all five elements. As we know from experience at growing plants, if all five elements are in balance the life of the plant grows strong and healthy.

Our life also relies on the balance of the five elements. In humans the life force is introduced at the time of conception and over the first 9 months the mother