Online Audio Book Rental Vs. Audio Book Buying

Many of our friends and our colleagues ask us questions regarding the price of audio books. First, they want to get details about free audio books. And, then when they usually ask which is better: audio book rental or audio book buying. There is no strict answer to this question.
In the following lines we will try to help you find out which is better for you: Online audio book rental services or audio book buying services. Ask your self the following questions:

1. How much time a day do you have to listen to audio books each day? If you have less than an hour a day driving, exercising etc. it will be much more worthy for you to buy audio books instead of using online audio book rental services.

2. Are you a sentimental person finding value in books, pictures etc.? If the answer to this question is yes, then you probably have a large book collection because you never liked libraries and therefore, you should buy audio books and not safe some bucks on audio books rentals.

3. Do you like swapping old books, selling them in flea markets or giving them away? If you answered positively to this question, you probably do not want useless stuff to fill in the free space in your house