Healing Power Of Hypnosis-Fact and Fiction

A group of young doctors were once fascinated by the presentation a hypnotherapist was giving them. At question time, one of them asked the therapist to show how the subjects were hypnotised. The hypnotherapist broke their trance by making them aware of their focused attention to what he was saying. The doctors had become oblivious of their surroundings, sounds and smells, as they were listening to him. Unknown to themselves, they were hypnotised by the words of the hypnotherapist.

Hypnosis, meaning sleep, is a state of wakefulness with focused attention and relaxation. We are in this condition of focused attention many times a day. When fully relaxed, one is fully aware of and in control of all the faculties. In other words, what the person wants to happen, happens.

This tool, when used in therapy, enables a person to heal himself or herself, the therapist acting as a facilitator.It becomes easy to understand then, that with hypnotherapy a person can learn to heal oneself, having more control over one