Have a Family New Year's Eve Blast!

Believe it or not, you CAN enjoy a New Year's Eve bash with kids - even if you CAN'T get a sitter!

Infants and toddlers make it simple. Tuck them in, turn on the baby monitor, and you're free to party - as long as you limit alcohol consumption and keep the noise down.

Preschoolers and kids in the early elementary grades love getting into the New Year's spirit.

To build excitement, announce a day or two ahead of time that you're going to have a night-time New Year's party with pajamas on.

Then, when you go grocery shopping, you can let your child pick out a party snack. A trip to a party store for some inexpensive noisemakers will add to the excitement.

Or, create home-made noisemakers and decorations together. Visit www.familycrafts.about.com/od/newyears or www.enchantedlearning.com/crafts/newyear/ for ideas.

On the afternoon or early evening of December 31, sit down together with some oversized construction paper, glue sticks, markers, crayons and scissors and make party hats.

Now, here's the sweet part: Young children don't seem to mind at all if