The Universe Without and Within

Expanding awareness of who and what we are, look at life from a different perspective.

As I sit here I can feel the connection through the top of my head to a greater version of who I am. As I allow my awareness to settle into a meditative state and expand out from my body, it's as though a column of energy or light is coming into my body through the crown chakra. As I become aware of this energy and merge my awareness with it, I feel I can travel within the light and expand my awareness out beyond my body.

As I allow this connection to be made, the first thing I connect with is our solar system: our sun and moon, and all the planets that orbit the sun. Many people are aware of the influence of these planets on their lives on a subconscious level.

Many people follow their horoscopes or astrology. But what I am asking you to do with me now is just feel this connection, this flow of energy into your body through the top of your head.

Just feel the energy in an effortless way and then give the intention to have your awareness in this energy. Hear the increase in frequency in your vibration as you connect to this energy.

Then expand your awareness out just with your imagination, so you feel that a ball of your consciousness has expanded and surrounds all these planets, with the sun in the middle. Just experience what it feels like to be aware, on a conscious level of the mind, of your connection to this energy.

Just ask for these energies to come into balance, to flow freely, and to feel whole and complete. See the many connections between the planets and the sun. See the full range of the electromagnetic spectrum radiating from the sun and the influence it is having. Feel the gravitational influence within the energy and how this affects your feelings and your mood.

As you feel this wholeness around you, just innocently allow that energy to merge with your body. Feel the balancing effect that it has. Feel the wholeness within, the peace and harmony, the healing effect. Just become aware of the inner silence and connection.

Now expand your awareness out again and see your connection to the galaxy. See our star and planets, merge into a larger plan, merge into a group of stars and planets, feel the influence of the energy at that level.

Listen again to the silence, and the tone of the vibration at this expanded level. How does it feel? What is your mood like? Just be the energy, merge your awareness with it. Then finally expand your awareness again and feel that the whole universe is contained within your awareness.

Just expand out to infinity in all directions, in all dimensions, and feel whole and complete. Just feel the energy and notice the silence ringing and ask yourself, has my vibration changed since I connected with this larger energy field.

Now just imagine that you are within your body, say, living on one electron going around the nucleus of one atom. Just look from that perspective at what you are seeing. You can see the positive nucleus radiating energy. If you like, just like a sun at this level, all the other electrons looking like other planets.

Expand your awareness out again and see the other atoms that make up a molecule in your body. They seem to form themselves into a kind of mini galaxy. See all the molecules that form a cell in the body. All these mini galaxies look a little like the Milky Way.

Expand your awareness out again, and see all the organs and all the connections within the body; and you see, from that level of one electron looking out, what looks like a whole universe within your own body.

What I am trying to say is that life repeats itself, in layers, one within the other. From the smallest to the largest; it really is just a question of perspective, and who we choose to be. Where we draw the line as to where our body finishes and some other thing starts which is not our body.

But I hope I have given you a way of looking at yourself and realising that perhaps there is no barrier where our awareness ends and this other thing starts.

Perhaps, if we were fully aware and expanded our energies out; felt the reality of being everywhere and everything, whole and complete. We may start to see the bigger picture and the interconnection between everything.

What I am asking you to do is share my vision to expand your awareness out and become conscious of the finer levels of yourself. Realise that perhaps there is no difference and each person, too, is part of everything.

Just look from a different perspective and noticing different things about who we are: The wholeness of life and consciousness.

George Lockett - EzineArticles Expert Author

Message channelled by George Lockett (C) Copyright 2005, All Rights Reserved. Read HealerGeorge