The Zen of Flow and the River of Life

Life is like a river. It has it's own flow and direction. There are rapids and falls, as well as peaceful pools. Some places are narrow and some are very wide. Sometimes it goes fast and others times it hardly moves at all. But rivers are always in some movement. You cannot push a river to make it go any faster, nor can you slow it down or stop it. So perhaps our primary task in life is to learn how to effectively navigate this river...and, of course, to enjoy the trip as we flow on through.

I have known a number of people who have tried to be "river pushers". They try to do more than is humanly possible, and also often expect the same from others. They get frustrated with themselves and others when results do not happen fast enough. They are also prone to unhealthy levels of stress due to this attempted river pushing. They usually miss the beauty of life and the lessons of enlightenment because they are so busy trying to "make" things happen.

Likewise, there are also those people who try to stop or slow down the flow of the river. They too often suffer from high levels of unhealthy stress due to all the energy they put into their river blocking tactics. They often sabotage their own lives because they are simply afraid of where the river may take them. They want to know ahead of time where they are going and what is going to happen. They too miss out on the wonderful adventure and natural illuminations that occur in the flow on the river of life.

Therefore, I would like to invite you to be an expert life-river navigator. Here are three tips to help you successfully navigate through life:

  1. Due to the unpredictable nature of the river, it is a good idea to make a plan and have goals, but to also let go of being attached to the outcomes. Rapids and waterfalls call for flexibility and patience...plan B, C, D, and E, are great back-ups when plan A does not workout.
  2. You are not a salmon, so there is no point in trying to swim upstream. You cannot go backwards in life, only forward. Therefore, you may want to surround yourself with other river navigators who are being successful on their journey. Be on the lookout for them and ask them their secrets...most of them are happy to help.
  3. As the saying goes, "Life is a journey, not a destination...", so it is with the river of life. There is much beauty and enlightenment that will naturally occur if you simply enjoy the journey.

May you have an incredible journey, and as always, if I can help in any way, just let me know.

Ken Donaldson - EzineArticles Expert Author

Ken Donaldson has been based in Tampa Bay offering counseling, coaching, and educational programs since 1987. His REALationship Coaching programs empower people to have more successful lives, businesses and relationships by building a powerful relationship with themselves first. Visit his website at for more information and sign-up his free e-program Illuminations and Sparks of Brilliance. Ken is also the author of the upcoming book Marry YourSelf First!