Levels of the Mind

A look at the depth of consciousness and how it can be used in every day life

Most people experience at least three levels of consciousness within their minds, Waking, Dreaming and Sleeping.

But this is a very flat, linear way of looking at the mind. The mind also has depth, as is experienced when transcending in meditation. The mind is a three- or even multi-dimensional experience, which is not limited by either time or space.

Each state of consciousness has its own reality and experiences. If we were dreaming and fell out of an aeroplane only a parachute in the dream state could save us.

In the same way all levels of existence have their corresponding level of consciousness and only by experiencing consciousness on the same level can we hope to have an influence.

Science tells us that consciousness and the movement of thought is an electrical activity that can be measured on an EEG machine. This machine measures the electrical activity in the different parts of the brain. But science also tells us that electrical activity exists at many levels within matter.

The body is a whole being and the mind has the consciousness of the whole. Though the body is also made up of organs and these have their own consciousness. The heart functions on an automatic level of consciousness, giving out waves of energy, which cause the muscles to contract at regular intervals. But within the organ there are cells and within the cells there are molecules and within the molecules there are atoms. At each level the electrical activity operates in its own unique way.

But what is the common theme in this? It is that on all levels of existence there is order, there is progress and evolution and there is intelligence. Science also tells us that, at the finest level of physical existence, there is a vacuum state, a field of pure energy. In this state everything exists in virtual form. This field of pure energy and pure intelligence is the coming together of mind and body: the physical and the mental.

This vacuum state, which is omnipresent, all-pervading, eternal, has been suggested to be a scientific way of looking at the reality of God itself.

So how is this order in nature maintained? It is kept in balance by the existence of opposites. The atom has a nucleus, which is positively charged and electrons, which are negatively charged. The two types attract each other and the speed of movement keeps them apart: forming a balance and equilibrium.

The cells of the body are controlled by the environment in which they find themselves. These have a more sophisticated method of communication, by the use of various hormones and interaction with the DNA. The DNA is like the brain of the cell giving out information and creating the order that forms the structures of the various components of the body.

A group of cells in turn form the components of the organs. These again have their own method of ordering the individual parts.

The main point being the strength of this order: if the cells go off doing their own thing, the system starts to break down. This is the main cause of cancer in our bodies, when cells start to multiply were they shouldn