Increasing Energy in the Body

Increasing energy in the body is like a stronger Spirit or Magnetic Field that brings Health and Harmony.

I have noticed over the years an increase in energy in my body; this is particularly noticeable around the mouth.

It is like a stream of energy that is constantly flowing almost in a circle. I experience this as a flow on consciousness both within and around my body. On the outside it my feel like fine cobwebs gently stroking my skin.

I look upon this energy like a gyroscope dancing on a wire. As long as the gyroscope is turning it is in control and stands on the wire.

This field of energy gives me stability in life, a reference point on which to check the forces of nature that are acting on my body.

It seems to connect the energy centres of my body, the most active of which are the third eye (in the centre of the forehead) and the crown of the head (centre top). But I feel large quantities of energy flowing throughout my body and also very noticeable in the hands and feet.

This strong field of energy is the force that maintains the order in the body. When the body is relaxed and happy everything flows smoothly and is in harmony.

When the body is put under stress, the energy levels increase and are constantly alert for strain or problems. This is in contrast to the experience I used to have before learning to meditate.

Instead of maintaining a quiet clear mind, I used to think constantly about the problems, which I was facing. The more I thought about the problem the more excited and agitated I became and the narrower my comprehension and ability to find the answer to the problem.

There is a clear contrast here, a settled mind, which draws from a wide base has a much better chance of solving problems than an excited shallow mind, which is constantly reacting to the environment.

Also, one's attitude is important as well. A calm happy mind that is willing to be helpful and considerate has a much better chance of success than a grumpy, aggressive attitude.

This calmness of the body can also be expanded to take in one's environment as well. The people in a society create their own atmosphere. This can be supportive and encourage progress or it can be negative and life frightening. Most people live their lives in an atmosphere, which is somewhere in-between, these two extremes.

The point is that we have a choice; we can create a life-supporting atmosphere by our words, thoughts and actions. Or we can create stress and negativity, which hold back progress and evolution. The choice is ours.

In reality most people are not aware they have a choice. They are so caught up in life that they have not had time to think of other ways they could live their lives.

They are caught up in the cycle of action and reaction, which is driving their lives. This process is very real and has its basis in habits and knowledge.

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