The Importance of Dreaming

A look at how we use out feeling to dream and create our future.

The importance of dreaming is in fact a universal principle to help our life flow freely and without stress. When we dream deep down in our heart we send messages out to the universe, which will structure our future.

Therefore before you plan your next project take a few seconds and look inside yourself. Deep down in your heart and see what dreams are there, that you have been ignoring or pushing down.

Instead of pushing these away start to look at them with your awareness start to put your attention on them and watch your whole future unfold before your very eyes.

This is different to dreaming at night in your head. This is dreaming with your feeling, dreaming with your heart. It is a very creative process and will in effect line your energies up with that of the entire universe: So that every thought, word and action of yours will be in tune with the universe, and it will be supported by the universe.

This is a process, which will help you live a life free from stress and allow your natural abundance to flow out from you in all directions.

Enjoy your power dream your dream and create your future consciously.

George Lockett - EzineArticles Expert Author

Message channelled by George Lockett (C) Copyright 2005, All Rights Reserved. Read HealerGeorge