Healing Energy and the Healing Effect

My understanding of the healing energy, which I give out during healing

is to enliven and channel the subtle layers of energy received from the various parts of the universe and from within myself to the person, animal or planet being healed.

Thus, I understand healing to be like a magnet put under a piece of paper covered with iron filings. When the energy field is strong the iron filings all jump into place and become orderly.

When we give spiritual healing we strengthen and purify the natural spiritual field of energy. This sets the conditions for all the atoms, molecules and cells to jump into the right place and perform their rightful duty. When the spirit is strong there is an underlying energy field that holds all the parts of the body together. This energy field can extend to cover group consciousness and the consciousness of the whole world.

This is the energy/spirit or the power of love, which guides every part of the body to perform its rightful duty.

The flow of energy is from your heart centre where you connect with the universal life force through your hands to the person on which you are giving healing.

This energy helps to bring healing and balance back into the persons body.

George Lockett - EzineArticles Expert Author

Message channelled by George Lockett (C) Copyright 2005, All Rights Reserved. Read HealerGeorge