Step by Gtep Guide to Healing Protection

How can I be certain that I am fully protecting myself when giving healing?

This question came up at our healers' circle during a training session recently. The general consensus in our healing group, was as long as you ask to be connected to the highest, purest energy to give healing, and ground yourself afterwards, then no harm should come to you.

The healers thought that; an opening prayer asking for protection and to be connected to the highest energy, asking for our healing helpers and guides to come and join us in the healing was beneficial. Some thought it also useful to open the energy centres in the body to aid the flow of energy (i.e. the chakras).

Some of the healers where saying they could feel the imbalances of the person they were giving healing in themselves during healing: This is where the grounding comes in. After the healing session the healers where suggesting to wash through their auras with white light and ground their energy field. Some suggested doing this by standing barefoot on wet grass, or in a running stream, or taking a shower and visualising the stale energy leaving the system in the water as it passed over you. Others in the group, Thought that just visualising grounding roots growing from your feet was enough to ground the energy field. The general feeling was that each person has his or her preferred system for doing this and that it was good practice to get in the routine of clearing the healers' aura after each session.

If your true Self, is all that is contained in the universe, then what this there to fear, except fear itself.

George Lockett - EzineArticles Expert Author

Message channelled by George Lockett (C) Copyright 2005, All Rights Reserved. Read HealerGeorge