Home Mortgage Quote Problems? The Likely Culprit is Your Credit

Your credit has everything to do with home mortgage rates as lenders charge more points and higher interest charges to consumers with bad credit. Poor credit always implies greater risk, so lenders are entitled to be compensated for the risk they are taking.

If you are a borrower who enjoys good credit, however, you should at all cost avoid getting into deals where the rates and points are at par with those for bad credit. There are plenty of cases of borrowers with good credit being charged the same rates as those with bad credit. Enjoying good credit requires effort and sacrifice, so you have every right to be charged much better rates than consumers with bad credit. Even if it means having to look a little harder to find them, you should pay rates that you deserve.

Explaining Risk and Loan Points Every point on a loan refers to the fee amount of one percent of the loan amount. Consumers with good credit may be charged no points at all while bad credit can earn as many as four points. However caution is necessary as unscrupulous lenders may charge up to ten points if they think they can get away with it. It is up to you to make sure that they don