Hollywood Revolution

The word is on the street that the world of cinema as we know it is about to change. And what on God's green earth is the reason for this oh-so-long awaited change? Is it another bill passing that will forever ban the "F" word from the movies? The health institute of America banning the sale of fatty foods at the theatres? Or could it be another wave of such originality that will remind us what it's really like to go to the movies?

Fortunately, we get to keep our fatty foods and the raunchiness in our dialogues and most importantly, we get to watch the fresh wave of talent that will sweep across Hollywood like it did when Pulp Fiction came out, or Sixth Sense or Memento. This time around, it's another independent film - could you expect this from studios - called Machiavelli Hangman.

When a studio film has a decent storyline it does very well at the box-office. When a low-budget independent film has a great storyline it gets noticed and becomes the sleeper hit of the year. To exceed those levels of success and actually change Hollywood conventions without having a gargantuous budget, that independent film must be a hell-of-a good entertainment ride. "Not only does it thrill, it makes you think about your own life, not just after you come out of the theatre... but for a long time following," says Jason Burman, a studio executive. "I've been in the film industry longer than my grandmother has had bad teeth, and that's a long time, but even I was stunned to realized after seeing Machiavelli Hangman that it was possible to grab a whole audience and manipulate them in so brilliantly in just two hours," he adds with a big grin.

Machiavelli Hangman is gaining a mass following within the film industry and movie-going audience. Many are already collecting posters and autographs from cast and crew and are awaiting a set theatrical release date.

"It's one of those films that you want to watch over and over again; because there is so much that you miss the first time around. My friend told me that there was a dead cat in one of the scenes that it repeated three times in the course of the film, but I missed it all three times!" says Pete Pernelli, one of the audience members at the film festival.

Machiavelli Hangman had that story and it worked miracles with it. Although the writer-director Shervin Youssefian (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1352346/) could not be reached for further comments, Julia Strumfeld had this to say about the project. "We're completely blessed by the amount of intention we're getting. It just comes to show you that nothing can stop a great script."

While we are waiting for hopefully an early December release, fans of Machiavelli Hangman (http://www.hangmanmovie.com) have already started to spread the word. The film is gaining so much attention as the film to beat in 2006, that it may be the first ever digitally shot motion picture to receive an academy award nomination.

About the author:
Jay-Jay Campbell is a movie reviewer.
His current review is of the upcoming
movie, "Machiavelli Hangman".