Make Your Words Sell: A Guide to Internet Copywriting and Marketing

When it comes to selling and communicating on a web page, it is the written word that makes the vital difference between satisfying your viewer or losing her as she clicks through to the next web site.

If you are not sure what to write or how to write for an Internet audience, then one of the best guides is the ebook, Make Your Words Sell by Joe Robson and Ken Evoy. The authors explain the entire process of creating a web page that will attract the attention of your viewers, maintain their interest and then convince them to contact you, sign up for your newsletter or buy your product.

The secret of their approach has nothing to do with knowledge of English Grammar or writing techniques. Rather it is based on human psychology. When someone comes to your web page he wants a solution for a particular problem or an answer to a question. If you can show how your product or service provides the solution or answers the question, and convince him that you can be trusted, then you will make a sale.

Because your viewers are looking for a solutions to problems, the authors emphasize the need to write benefit-oriented copy. If you say that your lawn mower has a built-in grass catcher, then that is a feature. But if you say that by using your lawn mower the user will be able to spend more time at the beach on the weekend, then that is a benefit.

One of the most important sections of the book is an exercise which will help you determine your business