Many CEOs Struggle With ADD Symptoms

Many CEOs and other business people with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD or ADHD) often struggle with difficulties around:

This list is not totally inclusive. There are many other symptoms that could be added to the list and ADD cannot be officially diagnosed by one specific assessment. Not all individuals with the above symptoms have ADD and not all people with ADD have all of the above symptoms.

Should you struggle with the above symptoms, you may want to talk to a psychologist or psychiatrist for an assessment as to whether you have ADD or ADHD (the latter referring to ADD with a hyperactive component). Sometimes the most important thing is not the diagnosis but rather getting support for understanding your patterns and increasing your focus.

Other thoughts regarding ADD: ADD does not affect intelligence. In fact, individuals with ADD are often of higher intelligence than the norm.

Research findings: Brain scans show less metabolic activity in front of brain. Indications of decreased levels of dopamine in pre-frontal cortex. Individuals with ADD use high stimulation such as excitement, novelty and fear to activate this area of the brain. ADD is thought to come from our history as hunters (results-oriented, tireless when hot on the trail, ability to "turn-on-a-dime", may throw themselves into something, visual/concrete thinkers). When forced to focus, ability to concentrate can get worse.

Treatment considerations: