Racial differences in intelligence:myth or reality?

In this article, the author has the presumption of taking manhood to brotherhood by considering cautiously what we are and what we are not from an anthropological standpoint.
Clearly, we can no longer ignore the profound impact of genes in the determination of human behavior. Over the century, many scholars, social scientists and philosophers have come to recognize the explanatory power of neo-Darwinian biology. Some go even further in asserting that, there is a genetic basis responsible for racial differences in intelligence. One of them is Richard Lynn, famous psychologist and competent scholar, who devotes a great deal of time, pain, and pleasure to the study concerning the evolution of racial differences in intelligence.

According to Lynn, survival in temperate and cold environments acted as a selection pressure favoring enhanced intelligence and explains why the Caucasoids and the Mongoloids are the races, which have evolved the highest intelligence.

The debate on racial differences in intelligence is not about to be over. On one side, some scholars accept the thesis in general terms, although they elaborate or suggest modifications to a number of points; on the other, some are simply unsympathetic to it and raise various objections. However, the anthropological evidence fails to support Lynn