Intuitive Selling

In order to understand intuitive selling, it is necessary to understand the concept of the unconscious and the ego. These two parts of human consciousness determine much of our behavior, thoughts and attitudes. They are also important in understanding how we relate to others.

They determine how we act on the surface and on a deeper level we cannot recognize consciously. Without getting too analytical, following is a brief description of the ego (conscious self) and the unconscious (inner self) and how they relate to your sales activities. Take time to explore this area further. It will bring tremendous value to your sales career.

Go Inside to the Unconscious

The first step to understand the outside world better and to know what success means to you is to get in touch with your inner self or the unconscious.

The unconscious is the part of human beings that is intuitive. It is the power behind all human intentions and actions, providing us with dreams, creativity and imagination. It is who you really are at the core of your being and gives you purpose.

Why do dreams seem so real? The mind does not know the difference. This is an expression of the power of the unconscious. Your greatest challenge to becoming more intuitive in your selling and more successful in your career is to get in touch with the unconscious and listen to its direction. This will help you stay on target toward living your mission and goals and making the proper decisions as you respond to customers and the environment around you.

The goals and mission are your internal compass, or steering wheel, in making daily and weekly decisions about your sales activities. As you make these decisions, step back, listen to your inner voice and keep them connected with your mission statement and goals. Trust the message of the unconscious; this is intuitive selling.

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