Emotions, in What Aspect of our Body Do They Operate

A look at our emotions and how they interact with our consciousness.

Our emotions are something that is very fluid and changeable, but have you ever thought what is the difference between our emotions and our consciousness. Our emotions operate in the liquids within the body. They body is made of 70% liquid and this exists in most parts of the physical body.

The emotions are based on the Solar Plexus Chakra and are usually experienced as subtle sensations of pleasure or pain. They are based around the colour yellow, which is the colour of the Solar Plexus Chakra. Our emotions transcend our physical structure, but can have a major influence on the physical and the mental aspects. The emotions also have an effect on our fight and flight response.

The phases of the Moon can effect our emotions, just as the moon controls the tides and the ebb and flow of the sea, so to does the moon affect the fluids in the body. You may have experienced a more wakefulness in the night on the few days leading up to full moon. The moon radiates the feminine energy; this is why females tend to be more emotional than males.

As with all our mental functions, we can choose our emotions, like our thoughts. It is important to us how we feel. If we feel emotionally happy and content then the body feel healthy and happy. If our emotions are disturbed then it is important to look to understand that disturbance.

We need to take responsibility for our emotions. If we find we are blaming someone else for how we feel then it is necessary to look at that situation and think about forgiveness. Through forgiveness we can reclaim our feelings and emotions.

Take personal responsibility; for as long as we are blaming another, we are giving them our power and control over us. Through forgiveness we can take personal responsibility for our life and the way we feel.

This is very empowering and gives us the freedom to be fully present in the moment to choose what we would like to do and create. It gives us the power to think from a field of all possibilities and choose, that which brings us most joy and happiness in the moment.

To purify and cleanse the emotions, one can do this using visualisation. Next time you are having a shower, visualise all the stale emotional energy transferring to the water of the shower. Visualise the stale energy going down the plughole and leaving your system. Draw in fresh revitalising energy into your emotions from the fresh water flowing over you.

George Lockett - EzineArticles Expert Author

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