Prostate Cancer-It's Preventable!

Are you one of the more than 1 million men in America who know they have some type of prostate problem? Then, this encouraging information is for you.

I remember when I first found out that I had the beginnings of prostate enlargement. Visions of restricted urination, cancer, surgery and eventually death, haunted me.

Research indicates that 1 in 3 men past the age of 40 will develop prostate problems. The American Cancer Society projects that over a quarter of a million men will die from Prostate cancer in the USA this year. Further statistics indicate that;

* One in six men will get prostate in his life.
* An American man dies every 18 minutes from prostate cancer - The second leading cause of male cancer in the United States.
* The chance of getting prostate cancer is one in three if you have just one close relative (father, brother) with the disease. The risk if five fold if you have two close relatives. With three, it is an almost certain (97%) that you'll get prostate cancer.
** American Cancer Society.

Enlargement of the prostate gland is known as