Christmas Presents: What Not to Buy!

Giving is better than receiving - well it is if you manage to get someone a present that goes down a storm. But not when you get it wrong. Think of the worst gift you have ever received and how it made you feel. Did you laugh, cry, sulk or demand an exchange..?

Once I asked for a specific perfume and got Chanel No 5 instead. I was SO disappointed. The giver had been advised that I'd appreciate it more as it was classy, expensive and a statement. Not so, I hated it. Can't stand the smell (sorry Ms Kidman, you look geat but you smell awful)!

Another gift that I once received was labelled 'to help with menopausal mood swings.' Considering myself rather too young for that, it wasn't a present that I took great delight in either.

Think now of a gift that you have really loved and how that made you feel. One of the best gifts I have been given was a book of photographs with amusing captions of the year that had just passed. Little expense had been involved but a lot of time and care had been taken in putting it together. In this case it really was the thought that counted.

Buying gifts that are a hit is not the easiest task but there are a few points worth bearing in mind: