Turn up Your Energy Levels and Start to Radiate

We are now living in a time where the energy of consciousness is starting to glow and radiate all around us.

Each human is becoming the source of their own radiant being. Take your awareness within and choose to start to glow and radiate. You can feel this field of energy all around you without any effort.

Know that as this energy increases around and within you. Your radiance and divinity start to glow from within. Your natural beauty is shining from within. All stress in your life is starting to drop away; as we let go of our attachment to our environment and the things in our life.

Start to consciously become aware of your breathing, feel the life force entering you body as you breathe. Use your imagination to create your dream and realise your passion, follow your hearts desire to realise your true nature.

Know that your higher Self is connected to the whole Universe. Take your awareness within, connect with that higher Self, use your feelings and your passion to guide you. Fill yourself with your own self-love; use your awareness to know yourself and appreciate that you are one with everything. I am that I am.

Recreate your Self anew in the moment of Now. There is no limit to this process except the limits you set for yourself. Expand these limits and change your beliefs so that you feel comfortable with your Self.

Be happy by yourself, this is a time for self-sufficiency. Make up each day anew. Change your routine each day, flow you energy in new ways. Change you mind about things, which bring you pain. Change you beliefs and your judgements about things in your life. Alter you perspective.

Let synchrony into your life. Feel the whole of your environment coming in tune with you. See the things you desire in your life flowing to you naturally. Open out your boundaries and flow your energy freely, see all that you need is already there.

Your desires are fulfilled before the need is created; see the synchrony bringing all you could ever want to you in an effortless way. Use the angels to give wings to your dreams. Ask the angels to help you expand who you are and your influence in the Universe.

Be that what you wish to create in the world naturally; go within yourself and create in your heart the dreams, which you would like to see in your environment. Let go of the old and create the new with joy and fulfilment. Progress is made through change; start to be the source of your own change.

George Lockett - EzineArticles Expert Author

Message channelled by George Lockett (C) Copyright 2005, All Rights Reserved. Read HealerGeorge