You Can Do It: Common Online Dating Fears Addressed

So many people I have talked to recently are afraid to try online dating for one reason or another. They hesitantly tell me their fears, and hope that I am able to offer them some guidance or advice. Sadly, singles are missing out on some great friendships and possibly life mates, because they are letting fear control their decision of whether or not to try online dating. Here are three of the most common fears addressed:

1. Fear for personal safety.

This fear is due to the reports you hear every so often in the news of a young woman who was corresponding with a man online, only to meet him and find out he was a 75 year old stalker with a knife, ready to kill her. In reality, the reason this type of story even makes the news at all is because it rarely happens. An online relationship is probably safer than "real life" dating. Of course, you would be foolish not to follow time-tested safety tips such as having a friend knowing where you will be the first time you meet someone in person. Also, do not give out your real address to someone online. Lots of safety tips are posted on . The bottom line is, of course use reasonable common sense, but don't let safety concerns stop you from giving online dating a chance. Everything in life has risks, but the rewards can be far greater!

2. Fear that "I'm not good enough".

This is a ridiculous fear rooted in low self-image. So many singles are afraid they are "too old", or "too overweight", or "not good-looking enough." Therefore, they put themselves into an isolated little box, and lose out on all the great things that life has to offer. Afraid you are "not good-looking enough?" Guess what? There is probably a wonderful man or woman online who is not model material as far as looks go, but would make a terrific, loving, and caring husband/wife. Plus, with online dating, it's more about getting to know someone for who they really are, rather than superficial first impressions.

3. Fear of moving to another state or country.

This is another fear that can easily be resolved. First, most dating sites have special geographical settings. If you don't want to move to South Africa or Poland, you can eliminate these potential matches from your searches. Even in the United States, you can limit your searches to certain states or areas. Also, many men and women may be more than willing to move to where you reside. Finally, don't rule moving out. Just because you have lived in a certain place all your life, does not mean you would not like somewhere new or a change of pace. Stay open-minded.
Online dating is becoming more and more popular, and the opportunities are vast. Don't let fear stop you from exciting relationships!

Rebekah Spicer is a relationship expert and helps to manage the popular online dating website