The 8 Keys to Golf Fitness Success

If you really want to be a successful golfer, you must follow these 8 principles which are The 8 Keys to Golf Fitness Success.

1. Increase your dynamic flexibility. While performing typical stretching exercises can improve static flexibility, the extreme range of motion performed during a full golf swing requires dynamic flexibility beyond the static range. That means you need a properly designed and individualized exercise program to increase dynamic flexibility where YOU need it.

2. Increase total body strength. The body will only function at a level as strong as its weakest link. If one area of your body is weak, then your performance on the golf course will be limited. For instance, weakness in the left hip will cause a right-handed golfer to slow down his swing earlier than desired which will reduce power. That means shorter drives.

3. Increase your core strength. Your core is the area of the body from the chest to the knees. This is the area where you generate all your stability, strength, and power used in the golf swing. A few stomach crunches just won