A National Sales Tax: The Time is Now

"If you elect me, Senator Katherine Laforge, as your next president, my National Sales Tax will give you back true equity in the share of taxes you pay. You will no longer be the utilitarian taxpayer for the elite." "Hulagu's Web - chapter 10"

The heroine in "Hulagu's Web" is a true believer in Frank Chodorov's compelling view that income tax is the root of all evil. Why, under our current National Income Tax system, do billions in real income earned by criminal endeavors, the underground economy and illegal aliens go totally untaxed? Why are the complexities of our tax code so onerous that only the wealthy can afford the resources, knowledge and ability to truly access expert advice on how to legally minimize their taxes? The answer to these questions is that the everyday wage earner with his passiveness, unquestioned acceptance, and fear of the taxation process has become politically impotent. His na