Six Essential Tools for Any Computer Users

Some fr*ee tools that are very helpful while working on the computers, that every computer user should have on their desktop are available as free downloads.

Every computer that you own should have the following tools, as they are helpful in the making your work on the computer easier. To download these tools from the internet sites, you must be connected to the internet.

1. Winzip - Win zip compacts the big and heavy files. Therefore many users like to zip documents before sending them as files on the internet as mails. To read these zip files you will require the unzipping tool, to unzip the zipped files. Winzip is the tool to zip and unzip the files. It is available as free download at

2. BigFix - It is an excellent program available as a free download at It reviews your computer and the software installed on it. It also gives you a list of free upgrades available to fix small problems and conflicts that your computer is facing.

3. Acrobat Reader - Many files and e-books etc available on the internet are in the acrobat .pdf format and to access the contents of these acrobat files you need acrobat reader on your computer. To download a copy of the acrobat reader on your computer visit

4. IrfanView32 - This is a lean graphics utility, to view all your graphics images, without having to open it in image editing or other high overhead software. It also offers a feature of viewing the images in a folder one after the other by simply pressing the space bar. You can download a free copy of the utility from,fid,5648,00.asp

5. Bc_wipe - When you delete files and empty recycle bin of your computer, the files actually do not get deleted, they can still be retrieved from the hard disk of your computer. This can pose a security problem when you dispose off your old computers, because others can recover your personal files. Bc_wipe is a utility that deletes files and folders and cleans the hard drive on your computers in a way that they cannot be recovered again. To download the free version of Bc_wipe visit .

6. FTP- LE (or CuteFTP) - It is an essential tool for anyone using web, for upload and download of files, to and from sites that you have FTP access to. With the help of FTP you can your site, move files from your computer to your website and download file back ups from your site to your computer and many such things. You can download either CuteFTP or FTP - LE, and to check out which one you would prefer visit

These tools will make your work on the computer much faster and enjoyable. So without waiting you can visit the respective websites and download them.

This article was written by Craig Dawber of Need advice and guidance with your online business check out the resources found in this website.