AIDS - Black ops work

I have heard that Japan once thought the AIDS virus was developed as a miliatary weapon by the US. West Nile almost took the life of my sister-in-law and Horowitz says it is the same weaponization program at work.

The following quote is something that came to me from a fellow researcher who lives near Rosslyn Castle in Scotland. She is a nurse and there are many other things like this I could quote. In fact I had sent her a piece from another researcher with even more detail on similar things. I include it here because Gardner is allied with these Sinclairs of Rosslyn and the St. Clair that figures heavily in this quote. I guess I will understand if you regard it as entirely too far fetched but I know it is not. In 1985 I was a partner with John Campbell in Indianapolis. He was a top researcher on AIDS and he said it came from the green monkey in Africa.