Mind Technique's

This technique I'm going to explain in this article may be considered pretty radical by some. But before you decide or make a judgment that I could be simple or simply out of My Own Mind, please stay with me for a moment.

Sport Psychology has become extremely important in the sporting world. But don't be misled into thinking that this is only something that's of interest to sports men and women. There are many aspects to sport psychology, and I believe some can assist even the humble online entrepreneur to achieve massive success. The most useful I've found is the idea of 'visualization'.

The human brain is a complex organ that's capable of many tremendous feats, but it can also be fooled. In particular, the brain can't tell the difference between reality and something that's vividly imagined. To demonstrate what I mean, try the following simple experiment for yourself:

Close your eyes and imagine you're holding a large juicy ripe orange. Now imagine yourself starting to peel that orange. Imagine the thin spray of juice from the peel as you insert a thumbnail. Imagine the sharp fresh aroma of orange that fills the air as you pull sections of peel from the soft juicy flesh. Now imagine the sticky juice running down your fingers as you pull away one of the moist orange segments, and the sharp sweet taste exploding on your tongue as you take your first bite.

If you've been able to vividly imagine these things taking place, then you'll almost certainly find yourself *Salivating Wildly* I know I am, and that's just by writing this passage!

Your brain's reaction has been no different than if you'd actually peeled that orange. It's been unable to distinguish this as just your imagination, and has reacted by sending a signal to your saliva glands to expect something delicious. Now this example may have nothing to do with your business, but it ably demonstrates my point.

So how we can use this phenomenon to help ourselves and others?

Choose a particular skill or area where you wish to improve, or simply choose one of your goals. You do have goals don't you? Spend at least 5 minutes everyday relaxing in a quiet place, visualizing yourself completing your task or goal. That's all it takes, but you must do it regularly.

One of the reasons why this technique is so successful is that you'll normally always imagine yourself being successful in whatever you choose to think about. I mean, why you would want To imagine yourself failing or doing something badly? Doing things correctly time after time is a necessity in any learning process and is a tremendous confidence builder.

When you come to perform your chosen task in reality, your subconscious mind will be expecting you to perform it perfectly as you have many times before in your imagination. You'll automatically have the confidence of an expert.

An added bonus is that while you