Some Myths About Aging

I've recently become interested in a topic that I like to refer to as "Myths About Aging."

Just what is a myth, anyway? It's a story that "everyone" knows and accepts. Usually one that has been around for awhile. And while there may be a grain of truth, many myths are wild exaggerations.

When it comes to aging, many of these myths are a form of self-defeating behavior. They're gross generalizations or are just plain false. They feed stereotypes. And, more importantly for me, by not challenging these ideas, I allow other people to decide how I should live this part of my life. I'm not ready to do that.

Many of these myths start with the phrase "I'm too old to ..." and, unfortunately, end with a senior not doing something that he or she would really like to do. Some that I've heard lately include:
"I'm too old to wear my hair down."
"I'm too old for romance."
"I'm too old to, get on an airplane."
"I'm too old to exercise."
"I'm too old to take a class."

Do you see a pattern here? Myths become part of a culture when they are accepted and retold. The ones that I listed have a common thread - they are excuses for not trying something. That something might be new, and different, difficult and maybe even fun.

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't - you're right." I think it was Abraham Lincoln who said that. We are living longer. It may just be time, to start developing some stories about how to live better.

Lawrence Bienemann works, writes and teaches in Northern New England. You can contact him via e-mail